


 I sit with the stars right above me, so desperately close but so tragically far away. There are days in which I feel invincible and days in which non existence and its appeal torments me. And I want so much of the feeble existence I have. So I'll sit here in my 8am lecture with my mind 10000 miles above me in a state of dormancy talking to you about dreams.It's both a gift  and a curse to feel as intensely as I do. It means I am determined but it also means that the unattainability of my desires makes me the most miserable person alive. It is in times like these I wish magic was real. So that I could run away from the painful spheres of reality and into that blissful dreamland, where the ache in my heart is satisfied by the crisp,nourishing air.

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  1. This spoke to my soul- You are remarkable at expressing yourself.

    1. Thank you darling.Thank you for taking the time to read <3

    2. revisiting this za because i just realized I was actually talking about going to narnia



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